20th June 2022
UK Freeports
Plymouth — South Yard/ Sherford (see: Plymouth & South Devon Tax Freeport map)
Teesside — Teesport/Hartlepool/Teeside Airport
Humber — Immingham/Hull/Grimsby/Goole
East — Harwich International Port & Felixstowe
East Midlands — East Midlands Airport
London — London Gateway, Tilbury Port
Liverpool — Liverpool Waters/Wirral Waters
Solent — Southampton Port & Airport/ Portsmouth Port
A Freeport must be contained within a 45km diameter outer perimeter, unless a special case can be demonstrated. Within that perimeter there can sit Customs sites and Tax sites. No more than 600 hectares within the outer perimeter can be designated as a zone where tax incentives will apply.
Zones are still being approved and updates are available on .Gov website:
Incentives for investors
Land purchased for ‘qualifying use’ in these zones will be purchased free of SDLT until 30 September 2026.
Employers NIC relief for employees based in Freeports until April 2026 (at least 60% working time in Freeport zone). Employers NIC at 0% for 3 years, per employee, up to £25,000 annual earnings.
100% First Year Allowances available on plant and machinery for use primarily within a Freeport tax site (FYA – so usual criteria: Not second hand, not held for leasing, not cars)
10% Structures and Buildings Allowances are available for expenditure incurred on constructing or renovating buildings within a Freeport tax site.
Planning processes are streamlined for brownfield development.
Business rates relief for five years for all new businesses in Freeport zones.
Incentives for users
Relief from import duties and import VAT until such a time as the goods are moved out of the Freeport and into the UK.
Where raw materials are imported into Freeport zone and processed: