6th February 2018
As promised at the end of 2017, we are covering the outcome of the Autumn Budget, including changes affecting corporate capital gains and stamp duty for first-time buyers. We also explore some key employment issues as a result of recent cases and high-profile news stories. Employers, unless they are properly informed and prepared, could be exposed to large risks.
Our feature this edition is Company car costs to increase with new emissions charges. Benefit-in-kind taxes were paid on 960,000 company cars in 2015/16, which means lots of companies will be affected. Our other stories include:
Indexation changes hit corporate capital gains The Budget introduced a freeze on indexation relief affecting corporate capital gains from January 2018, which means larger tax bills for incorporated landlords looking to sell property.
Making bullying and harassment a thing of the past After countless very high-profile allegations it is clear this issue needs to be properly addressed, so have you got robust policies and procedures in place?
VAT registration thresholds frozen from April 2018 Ahead of a major consultation on the VAT rules, the government is freezing registration thresholds for two years.
More holiday rights for self-employed workers More developments from the ‘gig economy’ are seeing rights to paid annual leave guaranteed for all workers.
We hope you enjoy reading our PDF newsletter. If you would like to have more information about any of the articles in the newsletter and their possible impact on you, please let us know.
Thompson Jenner LLP Spring 2018 newsletter